


    お問い合わせの種類を選んでください。 (必須)  Please select the type of inquiry. (Required)

    お名前 (必須) Name(Required)

    フリガナ (必須) If in English, please fill in your name(Required)

    メールアドレス (必須) Email Address(Required)

    *If your email address is Gmail, you may not receive an auto-reply email. Please be assured that your inquiry will be received.

    電話番号 (必須) Phone number(Required)

    チェックイン日 (必須) Date of check-in (required)

    宿泊日数 (必須) Number of days of stay (required)

    1歳〜大人の人数 (必須) Number of people from 1 year old (required)

    0歳児の人数 Number of children aged 0

    郵便番号 (必須) Zip code (required)

    都道府県 (必須) Prefecture (required)

    市区町村以降の住所 (必須) Address after the city (required)

    お問い合わせ内容 (必須) Inquiry details (required)

    *This field is required. If you are applying for a reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles (or transportation) and estimated check-in time.

    ご検討された理由(アンケート) Reason for considering (Questionnaire)

    *Please indicate why you are considering our facility. We will use this information as a reference for providing better service in the future. Please do not provide any personal information, as we may disclose the contents of this form.